Monday, May 26, 2008

Strange Love

God has a strange way of showing love to his people. I preached on Luke 15:19-31 yesterday. God loved Lazarus by giving him the one thing needed, yet gave him nothing else. No family, no shelter, sparse daily bread, and ill health are all strange ways God showed His love. Lazarus's life was one of misery, but in the end, he enjoyed an eternity of peace at Abraham's side.

Perhaps people view Lutherans who practice "communion for those in actual communion with one another" as unloving. It's precisely because we love our guests that we encourage them to wait until we can share EVERYTHING we believe, teach, and confess. We don't want them to lie nor do we want them to condemn themselves. It's a strange and uncomfortable way of showing love, but it is love.

Just because it's a strange way of showing love does not make it unloving.